divendres, 24 d’octubre del 2008

Jam, block, retention.

No em facis dir perquè, però vaig haver de rememorar l’experiència en anglès, també. Tot i que en la llengua de Shakespeare no fot tan de fàstic, no? Ves per on.


But, in fact, the most shocking experience of my life was not much time ago.

The day begun as usually: alarm clock yells at me, I ignore it, later I get up and let it rest in peace, shower, breakfast, etc. In short, not even a single sign of what was about to happen.

I would enter the kitchen, as usually (a standard room equipped with sharp knives, microwave machinery, gas pipes, high voltage electrical appliances, and expired food; anyway, a lot of dangers). Then, I’d face the sink, open the faucet, and no water emptied... The nightmare had already begun!

A massive amount of lumpy retained filthy waste (and other miscellaneous crap, including pieces of solidified "dry dirt") was found into the drainpipe. I’ve never seen such an organic collapse, and I’ll never forget it.

But that’s a different story.